Saturday, July 21, 2012


Do you ever have one of those weeks where you want to stop the rollercoaster and just get off for a while?

I'm in the midst of one. Another health scare over the last couple of days combined with tests and appointments four out of five days this coming week are tipping my scales.

Thank goodness I can rely on a bit of crafting to get through it, but I could seriously do with a break.

I'm so looking forward to the market tomorrow to bring back a bit of normality!

Oh, and after the good news from my appointment today I celebrated with a bit of Op Shopping. It's the perfect therapy.


Megan said...

Those weeks are dreadful and nothing worse than stacks of appointments filling up your week. It gets so tiring! Glad to hear there was a bit of good news from today's appointment. Hope there is plenty more following next week's lot.

Fiona said...

Glad the crafting is bringing you through, Cam. Hope you enjoy the market. If anyone deserves a break, you do .. so pleased you got some good news today!

Jennifer Rose said...

blagh :/

but shopping does help :D

willywagtail said...

Hope your days even out somewhat for you. I have had a huge lot, though little of it medical, on my plate of late, including having my car stolen and written off. When my shoes broke on the way into the supermarket it felt like the last straw. I was "Now I have to go buy a car which I hate doing, without any company, advice or wheels in a strange city (nothing here in the country) and not even any shoes!!" Life can get pretty low. Hope yours can pick up soon. Thinking of you often. Cherrie

Selina said...

Seeing too many doctors in one week sure does not help to keep your mind off the fact that you're sick! I feel when you have the boring and mundane little life tasks it can be a very welcome distraction from the health worries. I hope you get your break soon, very soon.


Car said...

Ive had that rollercoaster feeling (different medical condition) and I feel for you even moreso because even though Ive managed to step away though its to my own detroment for doing so (ie stick my head in the sand like an emu) you cant exactly do that xxx much love to tou Cam and happy op shopping!