Friday, November 23, 2012

On staying busy

I was chatting to Carly today and something she said stuck in my head. How do I manage to give myself enough rest to stay well and keep going? It's a hard question to answer. I thrive on being busy, and when things are tough medically, staying busy is the best medicine.

I must admit that this past week has been one of the strangest ever, so I thought I'd do a little run down of activities...
  • Friday - Called into hospital for transplant that didn't go ahead.
  • Saturday - the B-Fabulous Wedding/Pop-Up Shop at Olive Grove
  • Sunday - day off
  • Monday - Visit from Bec, Sewing, Tissue typing bloods, Prescriptions, Post Office
  • Tuesday - Sewing, School pick up, Dentist, Post Office
  • Wednesday - Intragam infusion, Olive Grove to pack up, Gleaners Inc to drop off stock
  • Thursday - Echocardiogram, Open Drawer to drop off stock, Lunch with Cathy, Tx Clinic
  • Friday - Fedex pick up, Pulmonary Rehab, lunch with Carly, Post Office.
I've also volunteered to help out with the social media and newsletter for the HLTTV, I have an article due for DiVine, and I've just accepted some contract administration work for next week.

But for now, I have new fabric to play with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though not nearly as sick as you, I understand the need to be busy to be weller.
A couple of weeks ago I had my 6 monthly respiratory check up, and he was really not keen to understand that just because I choose to keep busy, it doesn't mean I'm 100%. I told him that at best I feel about 80% of what I once knew to be well, and he said "but you get out of bed don't you...clearly you're not feeling too bad..."
Thankfully I have loads of understanding friends that get that I keep busy, but often I need to lie down and rest or pull out of things. One friend reminded me that one of the hardest things about chronic illness is that an individual has 2 choices: stay in bed and people understand you feel crap. Do stuff, and many people assume you feel great. I think I'd feel worse if I always gave in and did nothing. xx